On the 19th May 2022, the Dizzy Heights team have organised a football session at Shobnall Leisure Complex for the young people of Winshill. Dizzy Heights have paid for the session and transport, so there is no cost to the young people.
Session Schedule
- Dizzy Heights will pick up and transport the young people from 181 Hawfield Lane at 5:30pm.
- Pitch hired for 6:00pm
- Session will finish at 7:00pm
- Return to 181 Hawfield Lane at approximately 7:15pm
For any young people under the age of 18, we require by law to have received parent/guardian/carer consent. Failing to provide consent will mean the young person is unable to join us.
If you need to provide consent for a young person, please complete the form below. All the information provided will be stored securely and will not shared with any other organisation.
If a young person needs to bring any medication (inhalers etc.) it is their responsibility to do so.
If you need any more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dave, 07786113840, or Jim, 07786113971.