
Community youth clubs play a vital role in fostering positive development and growth among young people
Social interaction and connection, skill development, healthy recreation, mentorship opportunities, sense of belonging
Community involvement, positive role models, personal growth and empowerment, safe and supervised environment…
Youth Clubs
Mentoring For Young People
Mentoring is a dynamic and reciprocal relationship between two individuals, where one, typically more experienced and knowledgeable, provides guidance, support, and encouragement to the other, often referred to as the mentee. Dizzy Heights provides experienced and qualified youth mentors for young people in:
A school setting if there are barriers to education
At home if there are barriers to safe and appropriate social relationships
In a clinical setting if there are barriers to emotion regulation

Why we do this?
We are a team of passionate and experienced youth workers, counsellors, teachers, personal trainers, social workers, drug & alcohol specialists, health and wellbeing experts, therapists and experienced support staff who want to provide a high quality service for children, young people and families in our communities to achieve positive outcomes.
Our Newsletter
Keep up to date with our projects, case studies, successes, and learnings
Want to get involved?
We are always on the look out for individuals who want to give back to their communities through volunteering. Whether that's taking care of the tuck shop. taking names for attendance, or providing greater support for when young people need. We provide all of our volunteers with appropriate training and support.
Want To Work With Us?
If you have the skills and experience of working with young people and are looking for career opportunities, please get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.