
Want to know about us

Dizzy Heights began in September 2021 as the vehicle to provide youth clubs to communities 

Day 1

Dave, Jim and Kut combined their wide ranging skills and experiences to help those young people who are often described as being the hardest to reach.

850+ days later

Same passion, enthusiasm and commitment to young people, offering more youth clubs to more people and providing life changing interventions through mentorship programmes.

We can't do it alone

We have a fantastic team of passionate and experienced youth workers, counsellors, teachers, personal trainers, social workers, drug & alcohol specialists, health and wellbeing experts, therapists and experienced support staff. Without them, we wouldn't be the service we are today.

You will meet our staff at one of our youth clubs, holiday activity and food clubs or during targeted interventions through our mentoring programmes. They are brilliant! We are lucky they represent us!


Say hello...


Kut Jodiyawalla



Jim Hazleton



Dave Protheroe


Where we work


Youth clubs in Penkhull, Meir, and Chell Heath. Holiday Activity and Food Clubs in Fegg Hayes. Mentoring and targeted interventions across Stoke.

West Midlands

We mentor and support young people from across Staffordshire and the West Midlands.

East Staffs
& S. Derbyshire

We provide a weekly youth club in Eton (Burton) and Repton (S. Derbyshire)